
A crucial aspect of our life together as a church family is the discussion-based instruction we pursue during Sunday School. This is a casual but intentional hour each Sunday where we thoughtfully engage with the Scriptures, theology, practice, and cultural issues in a guided discussion. Over the years we’ve covered everything from Pilgrim’s Progress to systematic theology to the Nine Marks of a Healthy Church to covering the Bible’s wisdom on issues related to sexuality and gender identity. Though discussion is geared towards adults, children may attend at their parent’s discretion.

During the Sunday School hour, we have gospel-centered lessons for children who are toddlers up through 4th grade. The curriculum we use is from The Gospel Project and it provides excellent age-appropriate lessons from all of Scripture pointing to Christ. The hour is spent in the lesson, some interactive singing, memorization, games, and of course… snacks!

If you have any questions about the adult or children’s Sunday School classes, don’t hesitate to call or text our pastor (Alex) at 406.577.6884.



The highlight of our week is the worship service, held each Sunday at 10:45am. We gather, in commemoration and celebration of the victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we do so for His glory and in accordance with His word. You won’t find anything flashy or impressive about our gathering - we have a small congregation, a modest building, no professional musicians, and our pastor doesn’t have any letters behind his name. But we love the Lord, trust His word, enjoy each other’s company, and find great purpose in living out His will for us here in Troy.

Folks come in everything ranging from dress shirts and ties to shorts and sandals. We’ve got 3rd generation natives of Troy and brand new transplants to the area, cessationists and continuationists, young and old, rich and poor. We truly desire to simply honor the Lord and obey His word. We all gather each week for about an hour and fifteen minutes, reading Scripture, praying together, singing in worship to the Lord, hearing the sermon, and spending time together afterwards.

For more information about our worship services, call or text the church at 406.577.6884.



As a small church, we don’t have a dedicated “tech guy.” So we’re building this site as we have the opportunity. Thank you for your patience, and if you have any questions about men’s and women’s ministries, community outreach, or youth programs, please call or text 406.577.6884 (Pastor Alex’s phone).